Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lame-ness and Whales

As usual, when I planned Christmas projects to give away, I didn't allow for a realistic timeline.  I'm not sure why I always do this. Maybe I need a distraction from all the Christmas excitement or maybe I think I'm faster than I am.  Either way, there is always one late present.

This year it happened to Arielle.  I crocheted this all the way to Tempe when we picked her up.  I had it hidden in a Trader Joes cooler bag.  She never suspected.  I crocheted furiously whenever she wasn't around, but since I haven't seen my gorgeous girl for awhile, I made sure she was around most of the time.

After Christmas, I pulled it out and told her that it was hers.  I just needed to "finish it up."  On the way back to Tempe, I madly crocheted in the car.  When we dropped her off, it still wasn't finished.

A few weeks later.....ta da.   Finally done!  I sent it to her and she loves it.  I kept waiting for "Mom that was lame,"  but it never came.  It's still lame that it didn't get done by Christmas.

Here it is....

Sea World

We bought Sea World tickets.  They were having this wonderful sale; buy for one day and get the rest of the year for free.  We are going back today because we can, but I'm not taking the camera.  It's hard enough wrangling a toddler, a stroller, a purse, a camera and a cup of coffee.  Better to leave the purse and camera at home.  Here are a few pictures of our first trip to Sea World this year...

The artic penquins

Is it a seal or sea lion?  Anyone know the difference?

Michelle at the Shark tank.  I don't know why the camera couldn't capture the fish.

Isabelle at the Shamu show

These dolphins were so funny.  They kept jumping up and looking over the rocks.  The dolphins in the next tank were getting fed.

Please think happy thoughts for our wonderful Charlie.  He ran out of the garage tonight, and has not been seen since.  He's done this before, but it always makes us nervous.  With any luck, he'll saunter home.  It's a bit chilly outside.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I don't know about you, but I always try to avoid making resolutions because only about half of my resolutions are ever accomplished, but I guess it's better to have half than none.

So, this year I sat down and wrote down 10 resolutions.  They all started with two words...

Do more crafting with Michelle
Do more knitting
Do more reading
Do more playing outside the house
Do more blogging

Okay those are the fun ones, and probably the 50% that I'll actually do.  But...

Do more cleaning out (a feng shui master would have a field day with my closets)
Do more exercise
Do more doctor's appointments for myself
Do more repair work
Do more yoga

And hopefully while I'm doing more, I'll find 10 more hours in my day.

I don't have a picture for this blog entry, but here are a few pictures from Christmas...

Isabelle in her Yoda hat Arielle gave her

Arielle and Michelle making "gingerbread houses" out of graham crackers and Isabelle painting

She's wearing a dress her Grandma Fink gave her for Christmas