Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Isabelle's Birthday

I can't believe Isabelle's 1 already!! She's grown 10 inches and 17 pounds last year.

She's traveled to Arizona, France, England and Scotland.

Isabelle loves...
Blues Clues
Baby Einstein
Playing hide and seek

Last year was exciting. Can't wait to see what this year has for us.

Isabelle's birthday was very quiet with just us five. We blew up over 20 pink and white balloons that we had all over the living room floor. Isabelle ran through them over and over with her sisters. On one run through the living room, Michelle jammed her foot under the couch and yanked to get it free, dislocating her little toe in the process. She quickly snapped it back into place. After a trip to the doctor the next day, she confirmed that it was broken. That didn't stop our birthday celebration though. Michelle carried on like a trooper and Isabelle had a lot of fun. She wasn't too sure about her birthday cupcake, but she tried to lick off most of the frosting before dropping chunks to our begging dog below.

Ripping open her presents was easy after her sisters deftly showed her how it was done. The best part came later when we lined up her presents and let her go at them. One of her favorite toys was a wooden xylophone. She quickly learned that those sticks could bang on everything and soon found a favorite sound - banging on the oven. She played until she was exhausted, and so were we.