Monday, December 1, 2008

So it begins...

This is the start of an adventure in blogging. It's starting near the eve of our Europe trip so everyone can keep track of our adventures and look at pictures. And for my mom, who can't get away from dial-up because of where she lives - hopefully the pictures are faster for you to download.

We are off to London on December 17 (my mom's birthday). We're flying out of LAX, much nicer than our usual John Wayne Airport take-offs that leave your stomach flattened to the floor of the cabin. We are flying non-stop, which is a blessing with a 8 1/2 month old.

We have someone staying at home to take care of our dog, tarantula, gecko, bearded dragon and russian tortoise. The last is a new addition that came knocking - literally - on our screen door a few weeks ago. The dog went crazy, since we can't turn away a stray, she came to stay. The reptile store said she was between 40 - 50 years old. She's the oldest one in the house. We haven't named her yet. Any suggestions?

I hope to keep this going regularly through Europe. I guess it depends on the wifi connections available. Fingers are crossed.

'Til next time...

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