The garden is taking a beating. With our drought here in San Diego, we are only allowed to water three days a week for only 10 minutes a station. The backyard is barren and the garden is thirsty. Everything we planted in the black bins fried. We think the heat reflected off of the sides and cooked the vegetables. We are going to fill them all the way up with soil and give the garden partial shade. The cherry tomatoes are doing great. Isabelle loves to pick "yum yums." Her shirt is usually covered with tomato seeds and juice by the time we are done playing in the garden.
Michelle's socks are taking way longer than expected. I was almost finished and then she tried to put it on. The only way it went on her foot is by pushing it real hard while simultaneously bracing my foot against the wall. It was so tight her foot was changing color. I ripped it out and started over. I don't usually knit that tight. Doug suggested that I stop knitting while he was driving because he usually makes me real nervous in the car. I switched to a size 2 needle instead of a size 1. So far so good. Well, except I've learned that knitting a lace-patterned sock in the semi-darkness with dark sock yarn at 3:30am isn't a good idea either. I've had to rip out a few rows. I just turned the heel (a magical knitting thing that makes a right angle at the heel), so I'm on the home stretch with the first sock - finally.
We had friends over for dinner tonight, and I made my first ever Angel Food Cake. Of course, it was chocolate. It turned out soooo good. It was a recipe from Martha Stewart's baking book. I used 13 fresh eggs we had from Gavin and Staci's (neighbors) chickens. I served it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. Everyone loved it.
Isabelle found her mobile in the garage and decided (with serious stubbornness) that she needed it back on her crib. How does she remember it from eight months ago? Here she is with her mobile and she's happy about it!
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