Michelle finally had her wish come true. Her purple hair is getting lots of stares. She has wanted purple hair since Arielle had her bangs dyed purple four years ago. I've been walking around the house singing "Purple People Eater" and I get evil grins from Michelle, who LOVES her hair.
It is fading a bit. We'll have to touch it up soon. Rashauna, our fav hair girl, gave us an extra jar of rocking purple to brighten it up.
Comic Con
Isabelle and I have had the house to ourselves for five days. We've been playing A LOT and she's taking after her sister. She loves her music too.
Doug, Arielle and Michelle have been off to Comic Con at the San Diego Convention Center. Ian, Michelle's best friend, joined them for four days. They came home with all sorts of goodies and saw tons of movie and television stars like Bruce Campbell ("Burn Notice"), Sigourney Weaver, the "Psych" cast, Robert Downey Jr., and sooo many more. The Comic Con website is on the other side of this click
Arielle and her friends dressed as Alice In Wonderland characters. She was the Cheshire Cat. I'll have pictures later. John, Arielle's friend, took a bunch of pictures and I'm hoping he'll send them soon so I can post them here.
Here is John with Isabelle and Michelle. John had a few very nice costumes. This freaked out Isabelle a bit.
Michelle went as a Gothic Court Jester
Battlestar Gallactica
I'm a huge sci-fi fan. I remember standing in line at the South Bay Theaters (Redondo Beach, CA) that went 1 1/2 times around the building to watch "Star Wars." My mother and I sat in the front row - the only seats left. Soda Pop (Larry) had to sit somewhere else. We left happy but with neckaches.
My father and I used to watch "Star Trek" together on TV - the original. And when "Battlestar Gallactica" came on TV, I was instantly hooked and I had a mad crush on Richard Hatch. When the new "Battlestar" came out a few years ago and Richard Hatch was in it (as a different character, but still) I was delirious. Doug came home from Comic Con on Sunday with a present. It's sooooooo cool. It's already framed and in my office.

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