At Doug's (and Michelle's and Arielle's) insistence, I opened my tightly sealed wallet and went to Costco. We have two Costcos here. I picked the one that Arielle had went to for her glasses. (More about this in a minute.)
The doctor is so nice and funny. After the exam, I had to run out to the car to get Michelle and Isabelle to help me pick out glass frames. Lucky for me, Isabelle had had enough of watching Bugs Bunny on the laptop and cried until Michelle picked her up and starting carrying her in to the store. We met at the door.
My purple glasses are on their way:) In two weeks:(
The doctor suggested that I buy cheap reading glasses until my cool purple ones are ready. And what do you know, one aisle away from his office was a set of three for $20.
It's time to retire my old wire frames that are held together with craft wire.
When we arrived home, it was time for Isabelle's nap, I grabbed my new cheapo glasses and went in the bedroom with her. I read 165 pages before she woke up. I couldn't believe it. It's been taking me so long to read.
Now Michelle's socks make sense too. This is the longest it's ever taken me to make a pair of socks. I started them last spring. I could barely see the yarn because it's so small and I've had to pull out a bunch of rows because of mistakes. I'm already half done with her second sock now.
I'm so excited that I can see again! I didn't know it was that bad. But now my eyesight is back, my books and knitting needles are about to be abused.
I found out on the news the next day that Martha Stewart - yes the Martha Stewart - was at the other Costco signing books at the same time that I was getting my eyes checked. I am totally bummed.
I'm off to read...