Thursday, December 17, 2009

Catch Up

I have been remiss in my blogging. In my defense, my camera is acting up (or my computer is) and it's difficult to pull the pictures off of my camera for the blog. I'm hoping that I'll get some time to investigate and this problem will be resolved soon. I have managed to download some.

So now I have to play catch up...


It was a lot of fun. Linda (Doug's sister) and her two teenage children flew in for a few days. They helped put the rest of Doug's haunted house up.

The haunted house was over six months in the making. Doug slowly gathered his materials together, from the plywood to the cheese cloth curtains. He planned, erased, discussed and redrew the plans. We all helped. I painted the front of the house to look like weathered planks. It took me a week and a half to shade, let the paint dry and then "weather" them.

The girls had a lot of fun. Michelle looked like a scary zombie and Isabelle was a cute little Tigger. Isabelle got the "trick-or-treat" down pretty fast.

Here's Isabelle running to catch up with Michelle, Miranda and Dakota.

Click here to see the Halloween slideshow

Michelle's Socks

They are FINALLY finished. Michelle says they feel like rich people's socks. Not sure what that means exactly, but I know it's compliment - I think.

The Garden

The veggie garden has been replanted with lettuce, cabbage and onions. We are already impatiently waiting for our first garden fresh salad.


We flew Arielle home for Thanksgiving on Tuesday. Wednesday, we drove nine hours to my father's new home in Lakeport. Traffic was a nightmare, but we eventually got there - hours late.

We stayed at a wonderful hotel on the lake. I woke up on Thanskgiving morning to this...

This view distracted me from my traditional Macy's Parade watching. It was worth it. I wasn't the only one... everyone went outside to enjoy the view and feed the ducks.

I made all of the desserts - of course. The cheesecake really stood out though. Thank you Paula Deen and the Food Network.

It was sooo good that Arielle requested it for her birthday. I wish I could find the recipe online. I can't anymore.

Isabelle had a horrible cold and was a bit miserable. After we went home, we were all sick for about three weeks. But, we are all healthy now; just in time for Christmas.