She uploaded the original onto my hard drive so I could share it with you all.

The fair was unbelievably crowded. Here is the line to the bus to get to the fair. It's only about 1/3rd of the line. We waited 1 1/2 hours to get on the bus.
It was $2 Tuesday - which means that everyone got in for two bucks and every food booth had $2 tastes of their food. Just about all of the food was fried - white castle burgers, oreos, snickers, frog legs. The one that made my heart constrict was the deep fried Krispy Kreme chicken sandwich consisting of two original donuts sandwiching a breaded chicken patty (then they deep fry it). We shared a deep fried snickers and deep fried s'more. The s'more was pretty good. I wasn't brave enough for the frog legs or the Krispy Kreme sandwich.
Our fried goodies and a huge lemonade that we kept refilling. It was HOT!
Michelle won a big dragon throwing darts at balloons and Isabelle chewed on a BBQ'd corn cob for a few hours. It even made it home. It was a great day.