We spent the day in celebrating. Our stockings were filled and we all had presents to open. Everyone surprised me when I went to take my morning shower, I came out to a decorated Christmas tree. I still don't know how they hid that from me.
We went to a five course dinner at a local inn. It was fantastic. Each place setting had a Christmas cracker on it. You pull it apart and it "pops" open with prize inside, a paper crown and a riddle. We were all served Mimosa's, except Michelle. She had a non-alcoholic version, much to her dismay.
Then we each ordered different appetizers to share. Next, came the champagne sorbet to clear the palette. The main course was delicious, we all had something different (beef medalions, turkey and stuffing and chicken).
Then came the dessert, where Christmas Pudding ruled the day. I can't even describe it, except for brandied moist cake with dried, but moist fruit. It was sooo good. Michelle had three different ice creams and Arielle had a Chocolate Marquis. The whole meal was topped off with mince pies and coffee. It was the longest dinner we every had - 3 hours - but it was tons of fun. Even Isabelle had a good time, and didn't fuss until the very end.
Our dining neigbors were playing all sorts of games like Operation and Jenga. It was a good time for all.